News Content Guidelines and Editorial rules
PRNEWS.IO accepts quality content (news, articles, press releases, interviews) of interest to the general public. Our team may refuse to distribute materials for the following reasons:
- Bad headline - the headline did not include a news angle and/or link to the beneficiary distributing the content.
- Advertising or SPAM. The news release reads like an advertisement or SPAM. Examples of these words and phrases include FREE, "Earn," "Don't miss this opportunity!", SELL!!!!
- Poor news value - The news release does not have enough news value to distribute.
- Poor writing quality - the press release is poorly written and/or does not make sense.
- Lack of credible contact information - the press release contains incomplete or no credible contact information.
- Keyword spam - blatantly redundant keywords or phrases in the title and text of the press release.
- Prohibited Content - the material contains prohibited content, which may include the following:
- Personal opinion - we will not distribute content intended to harm or personally retaliate against a person or group.
- Blog posts - Blog posts, general interest articles, "open letters" and the like generally have no attribution and/or news value.
- Libel or Intent to Harm. This content is defined as intended to: incite, advocate or express hatred, bigotry, racism or unwarranted violence; promote personal opinions attacking a person or group; maliciously influence company stock; or harass, defame, deceive, humiliate, shame or harass a person or group.
- Sexually explicit content - We do not accept content about sexually explicit material or products. Press releases must not contain links or references to sexually explicit material, illegal material or profanity.
- Supplements - We do not accept content about supplements or pharmaceuticals to enhance sexual activity.
- Enrichment Schemes - We do not accept content about getting rich, network marketing, or multilevel marketing.
- Alignment - Unauthorized use of a third party (issuer, beneficiary) name in a Content.
- Unsubstantiated Claims - Unverified, unregulated and unsubstantiated claims about drugs, surgical treatments or devices that can prevent or cure disease, including COVID19.
- Inappropriate Associations - Content that implies a false official association with the government.