Today, everyone understands the importance of using online media to run a successful business – whether it is a tiny coffee shop on the corner of your street or a big supermarket in downtown Buenos Aires.
But for successful media relations, it is important to understand why media work at all. The key function of the media, in addition to informing and educational practice, is primarily a certain public criticism, in other words, a reaction to the social agenda.
It is also important to be guided by the main current trends in the media. And also to choose for your publication the very top from all the Argentine media!
What for? – For such valuable feedback!
We invite you to familiarize yourself with the top 10 Argentine media from our content marketing platform. This will help you to declare yourself to a wide audience, expand your existing client base, publish a press release, tell about your products or services that you provide as well as create a positive image through the country’s top media. Any goal that you pursue can be achieved!
Top Websites for Branded Content in Argentina
How to Publish a Press Release in Argentine Media?
In general, if you write a press release, then you can try your luck and send it to the editorial offices of the media of your topic and there is a chance that it will be published. But you hardly have contacts with a large number of media representatives, and posting press releases on popular pages is quite expensive.
Also on the Internet, there are many sites designed to post press releases – the so-called release receivers. Placing a press release on them is quite simple and often costs nothing, but the effect of such placement of press releases is small. Journalists receive a lot of press releases every day and they do not need to go to the release receivers.
However, there is a simple, affordable, and effective way to post press releases. As you might have already guessed, you can contact – the cost of the service is affordable and the result will exceed all expectations. You can prepare a press release yourself, or you can contact us for writing, then choose from our list of media in which you would like to see your publication, pay, and voila! The information posted about you in the top media in Argentina works for you. Everything is very simple.
- choose the media;
- pay;
- publish;
Rating of Argentine Media
This newspaper will tell its reader about the events taking place in the world. Travel lovers, lovers of novelties in the world of science and technology, as well as those who follow the culture, the world of politics, the weather, even the news from the industrial sector, will find interesting topics for themselves here. The news presented here will appeal to those who are constantly expanding their horizons and striving not to miss a single significant event in the world! For example, the great opening of your restaurant, huh?
Newspaper for the whole family, details of the most interesting events in Argentina and the world. It also has a section on socio-political events.
The main emphasis of the publication is aimed at comprehensive coverage of public life in Argentina, as well as its political, economic, and social components. Every day this Internet resource tells about the main events in the country, as well as analyzes, argues, and explains what is happening for its readers.
A publication that has taken gastronomy to a whole new level, making it as important a part of cultural life as art, cinema, fashion, and music. This is an attempt to make food a bringing together and uniting element for readers, it is about the love of food that binds people together.
An interesting blog dedicated to the topic of freelancing. In the current situation in the world, this is more relevant than ever. It is easy to find various information about remote work, expert advice and developing articles.
A publication that is completely devoted to sports. If your business niche is related to sports, we recommend using this particular magazine for publication.
The main content focuses on what is happening in Argentina and its interaction with the world. As in most of the news media, there is an “Internacionales” section that covers world events.
Fresh events on the pages of the most popular publication will quickly help to understand the current state of the architectural issue. Projects of all-star architects and not only appear on the website.
An excellent publication dedicated to programming, the IT market, and the Internet economy in general, also includes some non-core topics: games, gadgets, geek culture, questions about Internet regulation, discussion of IT legislation.
Many book lovers, students, parents of schoolchildren and preschoolers, professors, bloggers, and simply lovers of beautiful phrases will find a lot of interesting and useful things for themselves. The best collection of life phrases, book recommendations, and poems.
Content Marketing Platform
- 100,000+ media publications;
- get backlinks to your product;
- scale work with content distribution.
Everyone knows that the technological features of online media allow them to cover a wider range of topics than traditional publications. Within the framework of one resource not only political, economic, cultural, and sports news can coexist but also sections devoted to cars or fashion, for example. This can be used very well. Our specialists know all these subtleties very well and can help you with publication in the best Argentine Internet media. Provide us with a ready-made press release or provide the information that you want to publish, describe what you want to get in the end and we will be able to arrange it according to all the requirements of our time. Take advantage of this great opportunity to post on the top resources in Argentina. Because the popular press is a compass that will not let you get lost in the seething ocean of a huge amount of information. ¡Buena suerte!