Savannah Guthrie: a Deep Dive into Her Career, Public Image, and Controversies

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Savannah Guthrie is a prominent American journalist and attorney, best known as a co-anchor of NBC’s “Today” show. Her career in journalism, her adept handling of public relations, and the controversies that have arisen around her make her a compelling figure in media.

Savannah Clark Guthrie was born on December 27, 1971, in Melbourne, Australia, but grew up in Tucson, Arizona. She graduated with a B.A. in journalism from the University of Arizona and later earned a Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center.

Guthrie’s journalism career began in local news, but she quickly ascended to national prominence. She joined NBC News in 2007 as a legal analyst and correspondent, covering major legal stories and serving as a White House correspondent.

Rise to Prominence at NBC

In 2011, Guthrie became the co-host of NBC’s “Today” show, a role that significantly boosted her profile. Her interviewing skills, legal expertise, and on-screen presence have made her a staple of American morning television. Guthrie’s ability to handle both hard-hitting news and lighthearted segments with equal finesse has endeared her to a broad audience.

Public Relations and Image Management

Savannah Guthrie’s public relations strategy is marked by her balanced and professional demeanor. She maintains a positive public image through her work ethic, commitment to journalism, and personal relatability. Guthrie often shares glimpses of her personal life on social media, creating a connection with viewers without compromising her professionalism.

Her PR team effectively manages her public appearances and interactions, ensuring that her image remains consistent with the values of trustworthiness and competence. This careful management has helped her navigate the often tumultuous waters of public opinion, especially in the high-stakes environment of network television.

Savannah Guthrie: a Deep Dive into Her Career, Public Image, and Controversies

Notable Work and Achievements

Throughout her career, Guthrie has covered significant events and conducted high-profile interviews. Some of her notable achievements include:

  1. Political Interviews: Guthrie has interviewed numerous political figures, including President Barack Obama, President Donald Trump, and other key policymakers. Her interviews are known for their thoroughness and incisiveness.
  2. Major News Events: She has reported on major events such as the 2016 presidential election, the COVID-19 pandemic, and various natural disasters.
  3. Legal Analysis: Leveraging her legal background, Guthrie has provided insightful analysis on landmark court cases and legal issues.

Faith as a Guiding Light

Guthrie’s personal life is shaped by her faith. Her recent book, “Mostly What God Does: Reflections on Seeking and Finding His Love Everywhere,” explores the role religion plays in her life. She speaks openly about her faith journey,acknowledging both the highs of unwavering belief and the lows of doubt. This vulnerability resonates with readers,making the book a bestseller.

Controversies and Scandals

Like many public figures, Savannah Guthrie has faced her share of controversies. Some of the notable ones include:

Matt Lauer Scandal

Guthrie was co-hosting “Today” when her colleague Matt Lauer was fired over allegations of sexual misconduct. Her on-air response was widely praised for its empathy and professionalism.

The allegations against Matt Lauer surfaced during the height of the #MeToo movement, which saw numerous high-profile individuals in various industries accused of sexual harassment and misconduct. According to reports, Lauer was accused of engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with multiple female colleagues over several years.

Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb, Lauer’s co-hosts on “Today,” were informed of his termination just hours before going on air. On November 29, 2017, they opened the show with a somber announcement about Lauer’s firing.

How do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that they have behaved badly, and I don’t know the answer to that.

Savannah Guthrie

COVID-19 Coverage

Guthrie’s handling of COVID-19 coverage, particularly her interviews with political figures, drew criticism from various quarters. Some viewers accused her of being too confrontational, while others felt she did not push hard enough on certain issues. This polarized reaction reflected the broader societal divisions regarding the pandemic and public health measures.

2020 Trump Town Hall

During the 2020 election, Guthrie moderated a town hall with President Donald Trump. Her assertive questioning style was praised by some who felt she held Trump accountable, but criticized by others who accused her of bias and being overly aggressive. The event highlighted the challenges journalists face in balancing tough questioning with maintaining perceived neutrality.

The town hall covered a wide range of topics, including:

  1. COVID-19 Response: Guthrie questioned Trump on his administration’s handling of the pandemic, mask-wearing policies, and his own COVID-19 diagnosis. She pressed Trump on the timing and nature of his last negative test before his diagnosis.
  2. White Supremacy: Guthrie asked Trump to unequivocally denounce white supremacy, referencing previous statements he made that were seen as ambiguous. Trump responded by saying he condemns white supremacy but also criticized Guthrie for bringing up the topic again.
  3. Conspiracy Theories: One of the most notable exchanges occurred when Guthrie questioned Trump about his retweet of a conspiracy theory regarding Biden and the SEAL Team 6 operation. Guthrie pressed Trump on why he would share such unverified information, leading to a back-and-forth about the president’s use of social media.
  4. Supreme Court and Healthcare: Audience members asked about Trump’s plans for healthcare, particularly concerning the Affordable Care Act, and his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. Guthrie followed up to clarify Trump’s positions and the potential impacts on healthcare coverage.

Guthrie’s moderation was marked by her assertive questioning and persistence in seeking direct answers. She frequently interrupted Trump to fact-check statements and push for more detailed responses, which garnered both praise and criticism:

  • Praise: Many viewers and media analysts commended Guthrie for holding Trump accountable and not allowing him to evade questions. They appreciated her preparedness and ability to challenge the president on key issues.
  • Criticism: Some Trump supporters and conservative commentators accused Guthrie of being overly aggressive and biased. They felt that her questioning style was confrontational and did not allow Trump to fully articulate his answers.

Public and Media Reaction

The town hall generated significant media coverage and public discussion:

  • Positive Feedback: Guthrie received accolades from various quarters for her tough and direct approach. Journalists and commentators praised her for effectively managing the town hall and addressing critical issues head-on.
  • Negative Feedback: Trump and his supporters criticized the event, arguing that Guthrie’s performance was indicative of media bias against the president. They contended that the town hall was more of an interrogation than a fair discussion.

Savannah Guthrie and the Blackface Controversy

While Savannah Guthrie herself hasn’t been involved in a direct blackface scandal, she found herself in the midst of the controversy surrounding her former Today show colleague, Megyn Kelly, in October 2018.

During a discussion on Halloween costumes on her own show, Megyn Kelly downplayed the offensiveness of blackface,suggesting it was once acceptable. This sparked immediate backlash due to the racist history of blackface minstrelsy,which caricatured and mocked Black people.

On the Today show, Guthrie, alongside co-anchors Al Roker and Craig Melvin (both Black), addressed the controversy.They strongly condemned Kelly’s comments, highlighting the historical context and the pain blackface continues to cause.Guthrie called it a “learning moment” for the audience.

It’s important to note that Guthrie wasn’t endorsing Kelly’s views. She served as a platform for her Black colleagues to voice their disapproval and educate viewers on the issue.


Savannah Guthrie’s career is a testament to her skill, dedication, and resilience. She has navigated the complexities of journalism and public relations with aplomb, maintaining a reputation as a trusted journalist while managing the inevitable controversies that come with the territory. Her work continues to influence and inform millions of viewers, solidifying her place as a key figure in American media.

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