ETalk is an online English learning platform for adults and kids that provides remote one-to-one personalized English language classes.
Its founder, Vyacheslav Zhiradkov, is convinced that the LinkedIn network is a perfect place to promote your brand and expand your list of business contacts. That is why they used this professional network for a long time.
The thing about LinkedIn is that, unlike other social networks, you can’t see where people are spending their vacations or eating dinner. But LinkedIn allows you to establish a network made up of your connections and your connections’ connections, automatically linking you to thousands of business professionals. The importance of LinkedIn is hard to overestimate.
Keeping your profile up to date is one of the most impactful ways to improve your contact rate. It’s not just your brand that your audience is interacting with. People do business with other people, so profiles matter.
Vyacheslav Zhiradkov, the founder of eTalk, is well acquainted with the core rules of the platform. That is why his LinkedIn profile met all the requirements from the outset: it contained the necessary information, professional photos, friends, comments, and recommendations.
In April 2022, Vyacheslav planned to participate in the Alpha Wolves Summit conference. This exclusive forum always brings together a broad entrepreneurial community of investors and startups. This event is the perfect place to make new business connections with general partners, leading service providers, and professionals from Central and Eastern Europe.
The eTalk team decided to prepare thoroughly for the conference. Before pitching the conference participants via LinkedIn, they decided to update the founder’s profile to make it easier to build new business connections.
But there was a problem. There were no recent publications in the “Featured” block.
Don’t neglect filling out this section on LinkedIn. Before contacting a new person via LinkedIn, we always try to get to know the person we are talking to better and find points of common business interest.
That is why Vyacheslav Zhiradkov, when reviewing the profiles of potential partners on LinkedIn, paid attention to their interviews in the business media and read business articles.
If there’s one thing LinkedIn members find engaging, it’s a fresh idea. Publishing thought leadership content on your LinkedIn Page is one of the most powerful ways to grow your audience.
The eTalk team understood that leaving the Favorites section of the founder’s account empty was not an option. At the same time, there was too little time left before the start of the Alpha Wolves Summit to prepare articles and pitch media traditionally.
Vyacheslav also did not use a PR agency because just the preparation and implementation of the task would have taken 3-4 weeks. Instead, he took advantage of the online platform PRNEWS.IO, with which he had cooperated several years before as part of another business project.
The PRNEWS.IO team is in charge of placing articles and interviews in the media. To start a project, you need to register and explore the possibilities of the service. After that, you can choose the appropriate media in the catalog and place your order.
Vyacheslav Zhiradkov’s story was relevant to the editors of publications: it was published in the media the next day. Thus, the founder of the eTalk language school quickly received links in the well-known media, with which he has enriched his LinkedIn profile.
“With the help of PRNEWS.IO, we got our company media coverage quickly and efficiently. My business story became publicly available to the professional community and future partners at the Alpha Wolves Summit Forum and beyond. So share your projects, make your story public, and prepare content in advance without waiting for a mega-important event.
Very often, young entrepreneurs and startups do not realize what to write about themselves on social networks. As a result, there are no mentions in the media about the company. It is harmful to business networking and brand promotion. Start talking about yourself from the early days of your company,” recommends Vyacheslav Zhiradkov.