The sponsored publications service that offers has a user-friendly and intuitive interface with a full set of advanced functions to help simplify Press Release creation, through to distributing PR-materials, and helping to trace the final results of the campaign. is constantly increasing its database of affiliated distribution channels with quality media platforms in Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Czech Republiс, Latvia and Ukraine. At present, the company is in the midst of negotiations with representatives of online media in the United States and Western Europe.
Company CEO, Alexander Storozhuk: “The sponsored content platform will become an indispensable tool for PR-specialists and journalists. By using this service, they will be able to reach their targeted audience of readers and consumers within a very short period of time.” provides a high level of recognition and online visibility among potential customers, partners and investors. That’s why is widely used as the platform for PR and marketing needs for startups as well as for running businesses.
The service capabilities of help users to focus on their sponsored publications, provide guidance on implementation of their information strategies, aid in online media database collection as well as provide a platform for sending out email newsletters.