Write for Us: Share Your Expertise with PRNEWS.IO

8 mins read
Write for Us

We enthusiastically extend an invitation for your guest post submission, provided it adheres to our specific guidelines and resonates with the themes and interests that capture the attention of our Chief Editor. Your contributions have the potential to enrich our platform and engage our readers, and we look forward to exploring the possibility of collaborating with you. Please review our guidelines to ensure that your submission aligns with our expectations and subject matter focus.

Our readers are interested in the following topic:

  • Public Relations
  • Digital Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Personal Brand


  1. Make the title clear and attention-grabbing.
  2. Include relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility.
  3. Keep the title concise, ideally between 60-70 characters.


  1. Begin with a compelling hook or a relevant statistic to engage readers.
  2. Provide a brief overview of what the blog post will cover.
  3. Mention the target audience and why the topic is relevant to them.


  1. Keep the content well-structured with clear headings and subheadings.
  2. Provide valuable and informative content that addresses the chosen topic.
  3. Use bullet points, lists, and visuals (images, charts, graphs) to enhance readability.
  4. Include relevant statistics, examples, and case studies to support your points.
  5. Ensure the content is original and not duplicated from other sources.
  6. Write in a clear and concise manner, avoiding jargon when possible.
  7. Aim for a word count of at least 800-1000 words for in-depth coverage.

Style and Tone:

  1. Maintain a professional and authoritative tone throughout the post.
  2. Use a conversational style to engage the reader.
  3. Avoid overly technical language, unless the target audience is specialized.
  4. Proofread the content for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.


  1. Include high-quality images that are relevant to the content.
  2. Use images that are properly attributed and adhere to copyright laws.
  3. Ensure images are appropriately sized for the blog’s layout.
  4. A title like 0htvS5Sq.jpg  is unacceptable. The image title should bear some meaning. Like with URLs, write words with slashes, and do not use capitalization. Adding a keyword to the file name, alt-text will be a great plus. 


  1. Conduct keyword research and incorporate relevant keywords naturally.
  2. Use synonyms and similar keywords that relate to the main keywords of your post.
  3. Cross-linking to relevant internal pages spreads authority across your site.
  4. Use descriptive anchor text for links.
  5. Optimize meta tags (title, description, and alt tags) for SEO purposes.
  6. Use header tags (H1, H2, H3) to structure the content and include keywords.
  7. Avoid keyword stuffing and focus on providing value to the reader.
  8. The text on all pages should be no less than 90% unique according to these free services: https://www.grammarly.com/plagiarism-checker
  9. Keep paragraphs to less than 3-4 sentences. Use bulleted and numbered lists to make the text more readable.
  10. The first paragraph should summarize the article and get the reader’s attention. The last paragraph should round off the article.
  11. Make your subheads intriguing as well as informative.
  12. Add relevant and helpful links to add more value (Wikipedia, YouTube, popular sites, etc).


  1. Encourage reader engagement through questions, polls, or calls to action.
  2. Respond to comments and engage with readers in a friendly manner.


  1. Submit the blog post in a Word or Google Docs format to n.zelenovskaya [@] prnews [dot]io.
  2. Include any relevant images as separate attachments.
  3. Provide contact information in case of any questions.

Requirements for Different Types of Posts

  1. Compilation Posts (Tools, Services, etc.):
    • Avoid generic statements like “this is a powerful plugin for SEO.”
    • Start with a checklist of what plugins, modules, tools, etc., should include, explain their significance, and outline their key benefits.
    • Do not duplicate information from the official plugin page.
    • Include an image for each showcased tool.
    • Provide essential links to the official website and the download page.
    • Highlight both benefits and drawbacks based on your experience and user reviews.
  2. Tutorials:
    • Emphasize the value of these posts, explaining how they address current trends and boost conversions.
    • Showcase the achievable results for users.
    • Ensure each step of the guide is clear and easy to follow.
  3. Traditional Publications:
    • Follow general requirements.
  4. Reviews, Promo Posts, Company News:
    • Focus on highlighting the key benefits of specific features rather than describing them extensively.
  5. Interviews:
    • Introduce the interviewee in a way that answers the question, ‘So what?'”

Writing Style Guidelines

Be Action-Oriented

  • Employ active verbs (e.g., enhance your skills).
  • Clearly instruct the reader on what steps to take next and how to execute them (e.g., apply online to request an information pack).

Focus on Benefits

  • Show empathy towards the reader and tailor your writing to their needs.
  • Concentrate on emphasizing the advantages (not just the features or services we provide).
  • Prioritize what you believe to be the most significant benefit for your audience, even considering making it a heading if possible.
  • Maintain an objective tone rather than being overly promotional.

Keep It Clear

  • Use plain and concise language with short, commonly understood words.
  • Avoid jargon, including business terminology such as “thinking outside the box.”
  • Steer clear of archaic terms (e.g., whilst, henceforth, thus).
  • Refrain from using idioms, clichés, colloquialisms, and slang.
  • Keep paragraphs brief (around 3-5 lines of text), with each containing a single main point.
  • Break up the text with clear and meaningful subheadings.
  • Use descriptive words for navigation or text links instead of generic phrases like ‘click here.’

Be Direct

  • Use short sentences whenever possible and avoid excessive sub-clauses.
  • Stay focused on your message, avoiding unnecessary filler and repetition.
  • Get to the main point promptly without lengthy introductions.
  • Place essential information such as product names, locations, and key concepts at the beginning of sentences.
  • Maintain logical transitions between different content sections, considering a question-answer approach.
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of the post.

Support Your Claims

  • Only make claims that can be substantiated with factual evidence.
  • When citing statistics, ensure they are current, accurate, well-supported, and provide sources.
  • Preferably use statistics that are less than a year old.
  • Incorporate case studies or testimonials to reinforce your points.

Please note that these guidelines are meant to ensure the quality and effectiveness of your blog post on PRNEWS.IO. Adhering to these guidelines will help create engaging and informative content that resonates with your target audience.

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