Carrying out a full-fledged PR campaign takes a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to combine a media plan, to agree on the placement of publications and make a payment. But it often happens that the budget is strictly scheduled or has been spent on developing the site and not so many costs for PR have left.
Such a problem has arisen for our customer, a MasterBundle service, which sells the templates for designers.
MasterBundle online marketplace is a place where designers can buy ready-made kits for projecting and developing a web-design.
The site contains sets with premium fonts, vector illustrations, WordPress and Joomla themes, HTML templates, vector icons for illustrations, Photoshop elements, and other designer goodies. All this helps to save time on project implementation.
In the summer of 2018, the MasterBundle team decided to carry out rebranding. The process of rebranding is an important part of the company’s life cycle. As it developed, the MasterBundle company has come over the limits of a small business. It was necessary to update the visual component of the site in order to claim oneself and attract some massive customers.
Here is the previous look of the MasterBundle site:

The MasterBundle website after rebranding:

Customer problem
Initially, the company planned a certain budget for PR campaigning to cope with it on their own. But when the development of the updated site came to an end, it turned out that the marketplace team exceeded the original budget of the updated project. Therefore, they had to cut funding for the PR campaign.
By the time it was necessary to launch a promo; the company had about $ 300 remained on the account. The client tried to agree with the advertising sites independently. But their prices significantly exceeded the available sum. Therefore, the MasterBundle decided to hire a contractor who could solve this problem.
In order not to go beyond the budget and get the maximum coverage, PRNEWS.IO held media planning. The company’s specialists selected 10 advertising spaces that were optimal for the expected coverage and allowed not to go beyond the budget.
We picked advertising websites from different price segments. These are several regional e-news outlets and some top thematic webites.

Low-cost regional websites increase their reach and attract the attention of the local population.

Thematic editions increase recognizability within the professional environment.
The client needs only to agree on the text of press releases. We have placed ten publications at different advertising sites by the time of launching the updated version of the site.
The last days before the launch of the new version of the site are always the most troublesome. One need to check everything several times, to eliminate some possible bugs, to make sure everything is in harmony with the concept of the brand.
The client did not have to spend one’s valuable time on negotiations with editorial boards, searching for suitable advertising websites and convulsive attempts not to exceed the budget.
We chose the proper advertising websites and placed ten quality press releases there. These publications have increased public interest in the MasterBundle services.
A limited budget is not a reason to quit PR campaigning. Even in such a situation, it is always possible to contact PRNEWS.IO, and they will find proper advertising sites.
Our catalog contains more than 50 thousand advertising websites from around the world. These are news and thematic publications, blogs, regional websites, and news agencies. Among the diversity, there are media outlets that will suit everyone – from a startup with a small capital to large corporations.
Also, PRNEWS.IO can take care not only of placing the material but also of writing it. Authors will write, translate or adapt articles, press releases or news.