
How to Write a Guest Post Outreach Email?

7 mins read
guest post outreach

Guest posting outreach, eh? The never-ending email sends and waits for a “YES”.

Guest posting is a great way to optimize the website by improving SEO and boosting page rank.

When you contact the target sites to secure a guest post opportunity, this is referred to as “outreaching.” This process includes reaching out to potential targets through emails.

Usually, you compile a guest post idea and write an email that tries to convince the target website to accept your guest post pitch.

Rejection is part of the process.

Not everyone will accept your guest post pitch, and not everyone will read the email. At least not at the beginning, unless you have something outstanding to offer.

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When you try to reach the blog owners, you need to create compelling outreach by following the tips below:

Personalize Your Request

How do you know the person you’re writing to? Why do you care about their blog? Do you have something in common? What are your references?

Personalize and emphasize those aspects in your outreach. Personalize your request

Make sure to mention the blogger’s name in your request to make it sound more personal. It could also show that you put in more effort.

Don’t Rely on Templates

In most cases, experienced editors and blog managers have seen every template in the book. They know when your pitch is just a copy-pasted template that says nothing about the tangible reasons why you want to guest post on a given website.

Introduce Yourself Briefly

  • Don’t write an email about yourself.
  • Don’t be a narcissist.
  • Time is money.

Introduce yourself briefly and get straight to the point without the fluff.

Provide Context

Let the reader know precisely why you want to be featured as a guest author. Don’t just email websites because they accept guest posts.

Instead, make sure that your blog idea aligns with the website goals and that you can provide tons of value in terms of knowledge and SEO.

Create an Interesting Subject Line

The subject line would help to catch the webmaster’s attention. You can mention something interesting about the publishers.

The subject line is the most crucial component of any email. It gives an identity to the email. It is a very concise statement that previews the email itself and grabs the attention of the blogger.

Without a subject line, a professional email is of no use, and it should be crafted precisely in a way that entices the blogger to open the email and read it. Additionally, incorporate an SPF record checker to verify your email’s legitimacy, bolster security, and foster trust with your recipients.

So, let me list out some of the best tips for writing subject lines.

  • Keep your subject line short, don’t overdo it.
  • Don’t crowd your subject line with too many punctuations.
  • Don’t use ALL CAPS in your emails.
  • Avoid using question marks and exclamatory phrases in the same sentence.
  • Don’t start your sentence with verbs.
  • Don’t use promotional language in your subject line.
  • Try your luck with some humor.

These tips can help you write a compelling subject line that can entice the blogger into opening their email.

Build Relationships with Bloggers

The best way to approach a blog for guest posts is to build a relationship with the blog owner. You have to interact with the bloggers and build good relationships with them by actively commenting and following them on their blogs or social media.

Prepare Some Proposed Topics

You need to prepare some topics that will attract the blogger’s interest and fill the blog’s gap. You could also give a summary to help the bloggers give quick responses.

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Attach Examples

Or links to related guest posts that were accepted. Having examples of your guest posts on other reputable and relevant websites is a big plus, and perhaps in 90% of the cases, it’s the main reason your pitch will be accepted.

It is important to read and follow the guidelines first, before creating and sending outreach to get information about the topics and others that would give your outreach a higher chance of getting approved.

Use a professional email address. Don’t use a general email address when you try to send your outreach.

Make sure to find blogs that match your niche. You have to ensure that you choose the right target and match it with your industry and expertise.

Write effective outreach. Make sure to avoid grammar errors and misspellings. You need to use good words and be polite to the bloggers.

Outreach on guest posting is a way to persuade bloggers to approve your submission.

Keep it short & sweet. 

Consider PRNEWS.IO Services

With PRNEWS.IO, you don’t need to worry about outreach emails and their open and response rates. PRNEWS.IO is a guest post marketplace, with a directory of 100,000 sites in different areas. All you need to do is choose a site from the directory and pay for it.

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