users often ask us to notify them when the media cut prices for their publications. Our managers usually contact each client to inform them about the price drop. But there is another way of monitoring prices for media publications on our website. We will tell you how to do it with the help of our friends from TimeBuy.
Imagine: You are working to expand your car repair chain. To get clients and partners, you are distributing press releases and articles with a help of services. But once a month you should spend the entire day for comparing prices, catching discounts and other opportunities to save on publications.
What if we tell you that you can automate the process of price tracking and spend only 2 minutes a day to find the best prices for you? In this article, we’re going to tell you about a comfy price tracking tool that will help you to save your budget and find cost-efficient media platforms for your business.
TimeBuy is a service that helps to monitor prices for products and services on the Internet. The process is a snap: you choose a product you like → you to add it to your wish list → you get the alert when the price changes.
TimeBuy works perfectly with and messages you about the change of price for publication in media of your interest. The service tracks price of any product in online store.
How to Set Up Price Tracking
Setting up your TimeBuy account takes literally three minutes. You should register your account, download the browser extension and add a product to your wish list.
Let’s follow the setup process step-by-step. We track the price for publication in Interfax, for example.
1. Registration: click the Sign-Up button on the right top corner of the website.
2. Type in your username, email and choose a password.
3. Now check out your inbox for the confirmation email. Check the Spam folder in case you don’t find it there.
4. To add the extension, choose the browser you use the most and click it. I use Google Chrome, but you can choose also Firefox or Opera.
5. Add the extension to Chrome:
Now you’re ready to use TimeBuy in your browser. The icon is located on the top right corner of the browser, next to the address bar.
6. Let’s check out how the service works on the Interfax example. Open the Interfax page on website. Then click the Timebuy extension icon.
7. Interfax is now added to your tracklist. Right-mouse click and choose the My Price List to see your list.
8. Click the Chart icon next to the chosen item.
You will see the chart showing the price change from the moment it has been added to your list.
You can go to the service page when the price is just right for you and pay it.
Why we recommend TimeBuy
TimeBuy works smoothly with We know the service providers and are happy to recommend it to our customers.
Soon our clients will be able to track the prices for publication inside their accounts. But for now we recommend using TimeBuy.