How to Promote Your App Through Media Publications on TechCrunch or TechInsider

12 mins read
Promote Your App.

How to promote an app? In today’s highly competitive app market, promoting your app is crucial to its success. One way to increase visibility and drive downloads is by promoting your app through media publications. By leveraging the reach of media outlets, you can reach a wider audience and gain valuable exposure for your app.

Well, the first question should be: Why is it so important to get your app featured on platforms such as TechCrunch and TechInsider?

It’s all about reach. Both these platforms are the leaders in technology media. For many TechCrunch and TechInsider are the go-to publications of choice. Coverage on either of these media channels will give your product mass exposure and a great deal of credibility.

Importance of Promoting Your App Through Media Publications

Promoting your app through media publications can provide several benefits, including:

  • Increased visibility and exposure for your app
  • Credibility and legitimacy for your app
  • The potential to reach a wider audience and increase downloads
  • The opportunity to connect with journalists and influencers in your industry

Of course, nothing can guarantee success. Equally, you will be able to cite certain examples of apps that didn’t get coverage on TechCrunch and still went on to be extremely successful. Flipboard, for example, is a social magazine app that is used by millions every day and is well-known for being a great way of reading, sharing, and collecting stories about your own areas of interest. It was awarded Apple’s iPad App of the Year in 2010 — a fantastic feat.

Flipboard didn’t get covered on TechCrunch. But this is an isolated exception to the rule…

If you want your app to be successful, you really want to get it featured on TechCrunch, TechInsider, and Engadget.

So here’s how you do it…

Understanding the Media Outlets Your Target Audience Consumes

To effectively promote your app through media publications, it’s important to identify the media outlets your target audience consumes. For example, if your app is targeted at teenagers, you might consider pitching to publications that cater to that demographic, such as Seventeen or Teen Vogue. Similarly, if your app is aimed at professionals, you might target business or trade publications such as Forbes or Harvard Business Review.

There are several methods you can use to research and analyze your target audience, including:

  1. Surveys: Conducting surveys can provide valuable insights into your target audience’s preferences, interests, and behaviors. You can use online tools such as SurveyMonkey, SurveyMonkey alternatives or Google Forms to create and distribute surveys.
  2. Analytics: Analyzing your app’s usage data can provide valuable insights into your target audience’s behavior, including their demographics, geographic location, and usage patterns.
  3. Social Media: Monitoring social media conversations and engagement related to your app or your industry can help you identify your target audience’s interests and preferences.

The importance of having a compelling story for your app

To successfully promote your app through media publications, you need to have a compelling story that will grab the attention of journalists and their readers. A compelling story can make your app stand out from the thousands of other apps vying for media coverage and increase the chances of your app being featured in a publication.

To craft a compelling story, you need to identify your app’s unique features that set it apart from other apps in your category. Consider what makes your app different, innovative, or valuable to users. This could be a unique feature or functionality, a specific problem it solves, or a target audience it caters to.

To craft a compelling story for your app, consider the following tips:

  1. Keep it concise and clear: Your story should be easy to understand and communicate the key benefits of your app in a concise manner.
  2. Use data and evidence: Use data and evidence to back up your claims and demonstrate the value of your app.
  3. Highlight your unique features: Focus on the features that make your app unique and valuable to users.
  4. Make it relatable: Use relatable examples or anecdotes that resonate with your target audience to make your story more engaging.
  5. Incorporate visuals: Use visuals such as screenshots or videos to illustrate your app’s features and functionality.

Exclusivity and Exposure

TechCrunch prides itself on breaking tech news, profiling startups, and reviewing new apps, but they really like to be the ones breaking the story. If you offer an exclusive, you are much more likely to get your app featured in TechCrunch and similar sites!

If you can trust people to embargo, getting people to write about the app in 3 or 4 blogs — all posted at the same time — will do your chances a great deal of good.

Finally, consider writing a blog post of your own that explains the technology behind the app. This gives people something to link to. It’s a great way of spreading the word about your app too.

How to Promote an App.

How to Write an Effective Press Release for Your App

A press release is a written announcement that provides newsworthy information about your app to journalists and media outlets. It typically includes key information such as the app’s name, description, features, launch date, and target audience. The goal of a press release is to generate media coverage for your app and increase its visibility.

To write an effective press release for your app, follow these steps:

  1. Start with a compelling headline: Your headline should grab the attention of journalists and make them want to read more.
  2. Write a concise introduction: Your introduction should summarize the key information about your app and why it’s newsworthy.
  3. Include key details: Provide key details such as the app’s name, description, features, launch date, and target audience.
  4. Use quotes: Include quotes from your team or key stakeholders to provide additional context and credibility.
  5. Provide contact information: Include contact information for your team or PR agency so journalists can reach out for additional information or to schedule an interview.
press release format.

For more detailed information on how to write a perfect press release, check out PRNEWS.IO’s guide on press release format. By following these tips and guidelines, you can create a press release that effectively promotes your app and generates media coverage.

Pitch Your App to Relevant Media Outlets

To effectively promote your app through media publications, it’s important to identify media outlets that cater to your target audience. Successful media outreach for app promotion often involves targeting niche media outlets and journalists who cover your app’s category or topic. For example, if your app is a fitness app, you could pitch it to health and wellness publications or journalists who cover fitness and nutrition. By targeting the right media outlets and journalists and tailoring your pitch to their interests, you can increase your chances of getting featured and reaching your target audience.

To pitch your app effectively to media outlets, consider the following tips:

  1. Personalize your pitch: Personalize your pitch to each journalist and publication you’re reaching out to. Reference their previous work or interests to show that you’ve done your research.
  2. Keep it concise: Keep your pitch short and to the point, highlighting the key benefits and unique features of your app.
  3. Use data and evidence: Use data and evidence to back up your claims and demonstrate the value of your app.
  4. Include visuals: Incorporate visuals such as screenshots or videos to showcase your app’s features and functionality.
  5. Follow up: Follow up with journalists after you’ve sent your pitch to increase your chances of getting a response.

As we’ve already said, there can never be any guarantees, but if you follow the tips above you will find that your app has much more chance of being featured on the leading platforms such as TechCrunch and TechInsider.

If you want to guarantee a publication in media for your app, PRNEWS.IO can help. PRNEWS.IO offers clear costs and timing, so you can easily plan your media outreach strategy. 

With PRNEWS.IO, you don’t need to spend time reaching out to journalists – instead, they take care of everything, from writing the press release to distributing it to relevant media outlets. This can save you time and effort, and increase your chances of getting featured in the media.

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