Writing a Thrilling Lead: How to Make the Reader Curious at Once

16 mins read
Writing a Winning Lead

What do we read right after the headline in any media? What draws our attention? We read the lead. If it is interesting, then we click on the title and read on.

Writing an attractive lead is often even harder than the rest of the article. To ease your artistic suffering somehow and help you to create interesting leads, we have collected all the useful information. Below you can find what a lead is and what are its features, depending on the format of the text.

What Is the Lead and Why It Is Necessary?

After having read the title and opening the article, the reader runs his eyes through the first lines. The author has a few seconds to grab the reader’s attention.

The lead is the first paragraph of the text that directly follows the title. In the classical sense, this is the quintessence of the text. The lead reveals the meaning of the title and briefly describes the subject of the entire article.

A lead is the introductory part of a blog post, article, or any other piece of content. It’s the first few sentences or paragraphs that provide an overview of what the article is about and sets the tone for the rest of the content.

A good lead matters in your blog post because it’s the first thing your readers will see. A strong lead can grab your reader’s attention and entice them to keep reading, while a weak lead can cause them to lose interest and click away. Your lead can make or break your blog post’s success, so it’s important to invest time and effort into crafting a compelling one.

In short, a strong lead is critical to the success of your blog post. It can grab your reader’s attention, set the tone, establish credibility, and improve SEO. So, take the time to craft a compelling lead that will draw readers in and keep them engaged.

Simple Steps to Writing an Engaging Lead

A winning lead, or introduction, is essential for engaging your readers and drawing them into your blog post. Here are some tips to help you write a winning lead for your blog post:

Grab the reader’s attention: Start your lead with a bold statement or a question that piques the reader’s interest. For example, “Did you know that most people spend more time on their smartphones than they do sleeping?”

Use a story or anecdote: A story or anecdote can be an effective way to draw readers into your blog post. For example, “When I was a child, my grandmother used to tell me the story of how she traveled across the country on a motorcycle. Her bravery and determination inspired me to pursue my own dreams.”

Provide context: Use your lead to provide context for your blog post. For example, “In today’s fast-paced digital age, it’s more important than ever to prioritize self-care and take time to disconnect from technology.”

Highlight the benefits: Use your lead to highlight the benefits of reading your blog post. For example, “In this post, we’ll share 10 simple self-care practices that can help you feel more relaxed, focused, and productive.”

Use statistics or data: Statistics or data can be a powerful way to capture your readers’ attention and provide context for your blog post. For example, “According to a recent study, more than 50% of adults report feeling stressed on a daily basis. In this post, we’ll explore the best ways to manage stress and promote mental wellness.”

Be concise: Keep your lead short and to the point. A strong lead should be no more than two or three sentences. Remember, the goal is to capture your readers’ attention and entice them to keep reading. Your lead should be concise and to the point. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your readers may not understand. Keep your language simple and straightforward.

Understand your audience: Before you start writing your lead, it’s important to understand your audience. Who are they? What are their interests? What motivates them? This will help you tailor your lead to their needs and interests.

Identify the main point: Your lead should focus on the main point of your blog post. Identify the key message or theme that you want to convey in your post, and make sure it’s reflected in your lead.

Use a hook: A hook is a statement or question that grabs the reader’s attention and draws them in. It should be interesting, surprising, or thought-provoking. This can be a great way to start your lead and get readers engaged from the start.

Make a promise: Your lead should promise readers that they will get something valuable from reading your post. This could be information, entertainment, or inspiration. It’s important to let readers know what they can expect from your post, so they are motivated to keep reading.

Use descriptive language: Use descriptive language to paint a picture in your reader’s mind. This can help create a strong emotional connection with your readers and keep them engaged throughout your post.

The Lead should not be too massive. There is no place for unnecessary details, ambiguities, and misleading phrases. Some 2-3 sentences are enough to explain the headline and bring more information.

By following these tips, you can write a winning lead that engages your readers and sets the stage for a compelling and informative blog post.

Lead for Native Ads, Text Marketing, E-Mail, SЕО

These formats imply much more creative freedom. Emotions, calls to action, touching stories are quite appropriate here. But to make it working, splendid practice is essential.

Let us consider a couple of ways, beloved by the marketers around the globe:

  • The AIDA principle: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA). Every author wants his selling text to attract attention and be read by as many people as possible. To reach this, you require a clear knowledge of our readers, what are their interests and concerns. A headline provides attention. The first paragraphs (and the lead) hold interest. Further, depending on the aims of the author, one can force a desire (to get a product) or an action (a motivational article about personal effectiveness).
  • The principle Pain – More Pain – Hope – Solution. We describe the problem; we create tension, and gradually introduce the wishful way out. Most advertising applies this principle, and it works flawlessly.

Examples of Perfect Leads That You Can Use as Inspiration

Here are some examples of perfect leads that you can use as inspiration:

  1. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This is the opening line from Charles Dickens’ novel “A Tale of Two Cities.” It immediately draws the reader in with its powerful contrast and sets the tone for the rest of the story.
  2. “It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” This is the opening line from George Orwell’s novel “1984.” It creates a sense of intrigue and sets the tone for the dystopian world that the story takes place in.
  3. “I have a dream.” This is the opening line from Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech. It immediately captures the reader’s attention and sets the stage for his powerful message.
  4. “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” This is the opening line from J.R.R. Tolkien’s novel “The Hobbit.” It immediately introduces the reader to the world of Middle Earth and the beloved character of Bilbo Baggins.
  5. “Call me Ishmael.” This is the opening line from Herman Melville’s novel “Moby-Dick.” It is a simple, yet powerful introduction to the narrator and sets the stage for the epic adventure that follows.

These examples demonstrate how effective leads can use strong language, create a sense of intrigue or mystery, and set the tone for the rest of the story. By studying these examples and others like them, you can gain inspiration for crafting your own perfect lead.

3 Essential Components of an Effective Blog Lead

An effective blog lead should have three essential components that will capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to continue reading. These components are:

  1. Hook: The hook is the first sentence or phrase of your blog lead that grabs your reader’s attention. It can be a statement, question, or even a story. The hook should be unique, interesting, and relevant to your blog topic.
  2. Value proposition: The value proposition is the promise you make to your readers about what they can expect to learn or gain by reading your blog post. It should clearly state the benefits and value that readers will receive by continuing to read.
  3. Transition: The transition is the last sentence or phrase of your blog lead that connects the hook and the value proposition. It should seamlessly transition the reader from the hook to the value proposition and create a smooth flow to the rest of the blog post.

By including these components, you can grab your reader’s attention, provide a clear value proposition, and create a smooth transition to the rest of your blog post. This will help keep your readers engaged and interested in your content, increasing the likelihood of them returning for future posts.

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How to Appeal To Your Target Audience with the Right Tone & Language

Appealing to your target audience with the right tone and language is essential for effective communication. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  1. Define your target audience: The first step is to define your target audience. Who are they? What are their interests? What are their needs? Once you have a clear understanding of your target audience, you can tailor your tone and language to their preferences.
  2. Use appropriate language: Use language that is appropriate for your target audience. Avoid jargon or technical terms that they may not understand. Use language that is easy to understand and relatable to your audience.
  3. Choose the right tone: Your tone should match the personality of your brand and the preferences of your target audience. Are you aiming for a friendly, conversational tone or a more formal tone? This will depend on the nature of your brand and the preferences of your target audience.
  4. Use empathy: Use empathy to connect with your audience. Show that you understand their needs and are committed to providing solutions. This can help build trust and establish a strong emotional connection with your target audience.
  5. Address your audience directly: Address your audience directly using pronouns like “you” or “we.” This can help create a sense of personal connection and engagement with your readers.
  6. Use visuals: Use visuals to support your message and appeal to your audience. Images, videos, and infographics can help illustrate your point and provide a visual reference for your audience.
  7. Use humor: Use humor, where appropriate, to engage your audience and add a personal touch to your message. This can help create a more relaxed and approachable tone.

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A text is a tool that helps to solve the tasks of the author or one’s customer on the one hand and meets the needs of the reader / potential client on the other.

The author understands the format in which he works, uses the tools of the format. The author understands that people will read his text. They like to be entertained, to be interested, to have fun, or they at least understand what it is all about.

By following these simple steps, you can write an engaging lead that draws your readers in and sets the stage for a successful blog post. Remember to be concise, use descriptive language, and make a promise to your readers. With a strong lead, you can keep your readers engaged and inspire them to keep reading.

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